The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)

Fridav, Jan. 24, 1964 7-B The Shrevepoht Times glamorous, tormented situation PONYTAIL FIRST BY LINCOLN REP By Lee Holley "With Maggie for one split second I saw my life complete, says Quentin. After her death youthful Ideals has reduced life to "a case of law," Robards explores back-and-forth through memory, linking up seemingly unrelated events of childhood and maturity that have led to despair. The phantoms of his chain-action recall are summoned in turn into action on the vast thrust stage he reflects: "God's power is love, but such love is beyond a hu New Miller Play Seen As Autobiographical man capabilities. LACK For all of the script's impres of the semi-underground ANTA- Grocery.

Store Is Robbed Here A large assortment of liquor, clothing and foodstuffs was taken in a burglary at Mooretown Grocery, 5201 Broadway sometime early yesterday morning, Shreveport police reported yesterday. The building was entered by breaking open a rear door, according to Lt. J. B. Ford, who investigated.

Among the items missing were nine pairs of shoes, 15 pairs of khaki pants, six men's shirts, a dozen pairs of men's socks, 16 fifths and 10 pints of whisky and gin, three hams and six pounds of sausage. rehearsal possible under the Lincoln Center Program the play has been in preparation over three months, compared to Broadway's usual five weeks. Meriting special citation are Salome Jens, Mariclare Costello, David J. Stewart and Ralph Meeker. Zohra Lambert is less fortunate in a role that apparently got lost during the shakedown process.

"After the Fall" is Miller's first stage statement in over eight years, and is a significant step in his creative evolution. Much of its immediate audience impact derives from identifiable connection with past headlines, and this is a handicap to appreciation of it for itself. A sweep of the annual drama awards seems probable. I sive air, and despite the sleek theatrical craft which glosses the production, the end of Quentin's quest lacks the insight or poetry Washington Square Theater. The emphasis in the first act is on early communistic leanings and Quentin's ultimate crisis, when summoned by investigators, of divulging or keeping secret the names of others.

Those familiar with Miller's background will be especially in By WILLIAM GLOVER NEW YORK Arthur Miller's "After the Fall," with which the Lincoln Center Acting company Thursday launched ambitious repertory project, is a dark, seething drama of a man's search for that marks true dramatic trag edy. As he climbs through the steps and platforms of Jo Mielziner's expressionistic setting, up to the himself. The man bears striking resemblance to Arthur Miller. A lot is obviously autobiographical, at least in broad outline, and it has been directed by Elia Kazan with an eye and ear for acutely exploitive theatricality. Here are the congressional hearings of a decade ago about elleged communistic influences in the arts.

Here is a girl whose resemblance to Marilyn Monroe is unmistakable. The play is shaped as an introspective narrative, with everything taking place "in the mind, thought and memory of Quentin, a contemporary man." He is both German girl with whom he faces tomorrow, Quentin resolves his trigued. The man who refused to give names in real-life testimony on ethical grounds, now gives the best of the argument to a man hunt for a meaning to life with who did talk. "It does seem feasible not to be afraid perhaps it is all one But there was only brief evidence of heartbeat. "These resuscitative activites were indicated as of first Importance and after they were carried oijt, attention was turned to "It's strange," notes one char MM( )S( )SI has." acter, "to examine things you stand for, on a life and death The company performance shows the benefits of extended basis.

You find some things don't the accuser and confessor in REPAIR SERVICE FOR TV-STEREO-HOME AND CAR RADIO Open 7:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. Through Saturday "LET NIXON FIX 'EM" stand up." other evidence of injury, Jenkins said. "There was a great laceration Of communism, comes the statement: "We were' betrayed." sternly moralistic self-trial. BRILLIANT On stage throughout the some on the right side of the head 'temporal and occipital) causing RADIO I Alter the intermission, attention switches to Maggie, REPAIRS Kin FmHiw Syndicate.

Inc. 1964, VurM right. mm4 a great defect in the skull plate so that there was herniation and times florid and obscure course TV USE I a blonde and curvy songstress HEATING Install New Filter laceraton of great areas of the brain." who becomes the central character's second wife. She is portrayed by Barbara Loden in accurately detailed impersonation "I don't know what the big fuss is all about. Tele- vision is certainly educational enough for me." of the 3-hour-l5-minute drama is Jason Robards in a brilliant, forceful delineation even when voicing some of the author's more mannered and less-than- Jenkins said all that could be SSewfee tubes I 5 1908-12 MARSHALL Kil42 4-7121 done was done and as fast as possible.

But Kennedy's wound was so great that the effort was hopeless. 'NON-RESPONSIVE' profound philosophic reflections. of Miss Monroe, and Kazan doesn't miss one bit of the sensationalism possible in the sultry. company PH. 865-8462 305 OCKLEY As Quentin, whose loss of Doctors Tell in Detail Of Battle to Save JFK were infused into the veins of Kennedy's legs.

"Closed chest cardiac massage 3. TOW g0GQG6 -1 nnn CSS was instituted after placement of seal-drainage chest tubes, but AUSTIN. Tex. (UP!) Seven doctors told in detail in an article in the Texas State Journal of Medicine Thursday how they frantically worked in Dallas in an effort to save President Kennedy's life. But the doctors all staff members of Texas Southwestern Medical School, which- works with without benefit," Perry said.

When electrocardogram evalu GOOD IN ALL STORES WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! ation revealed that no detectable electrical activity existed in the heart, resusciatative attempts Men's Cushion Sole were abandoned. The team of Tarkland Memorial Hospital in ANKLETS physicians determined the patient had expired. Dr. Willam Kemp Clark, a spe-calist in head injuries, said most WORK SOCKS 200 Needle Plain Cotton With Nylon Reinforced Heel Toe Elastic Top. High Heel and Toe.

Shock-Resistant of the right side of the back of SHREDDED Hjl'li funic i op. iwice the wear in 29c VALUES every pair LODOra orv TuxUrl III IAIIF 1 I'ii i jiiirr f-ww his skull was gone. Dr. Clark pronounced Kennedy dead after discussing it with the other physicians. The other doctors who worked on Kennedy included M.

T. Jenkins, Fouad A. Bashour, Rob PRS. FOR 3Pr. In Pkg.

SIZES 10-12 Dallas indicated that they realized it was a lost cause. Dr. Charles J. Carrico, a resident surgeon, the first physician to" see Kennedy, said he had "slow agonal respiratory efforts and occasional cardiac beats" that could be detected by listening through a stethescope. No pulse or blood pressure was present, Carrico said.

The pupils of Kennedy's eyes were dialated and his eyes were fixed in a stare. Dr. Malcolm 0. Perry. 34, said his first examination showed Kennedy to be "non-responsive." "Pulse or heartbeat were not detectable, but slow spasmotic respiration (breathing! was noted," Pery said.

The doctors worked on Kennedy at Parkland Nov. 22 for ert N. McClelland and Charles Wonderful for Hundreds of Do-lf-Yourself Projects in the Home. Save 1 2c Per Bag! SIZES 70-12 R. Baxter.

Dr. Jenkins, chairman of the "I Department of Ancthesiology at at the medical school, described PILLOW CASES 59c VALUE err methods used to restore normal IV- breathing. Stamped ART GOODS A Wide Selection of Beautiful Stamped Scarfs, Table Cloths end 1 All 2 1 He said that for better con rntt trol of artificial ventilation," an BAG anesthesia machine was substi A Variety of Styles. 140 Thread Count Thread Drawn Hem Scalloped Edge Hemstitched for Crochet. tuted for a breathing apparatus.

Baby Items. All of Quality Mate The cart Kennedy was on was rial. Save Now at this Special elevated at the feet. FOAM REMNANTS Fluds were infused in a vein Offering of These Ifemsl ill $1.29 VALUES in his left forearm as well as in leg veins. Blood was ordered 69c to $1.00 VALUES from the blood bank.

about 30 minutes. The physicians fixed the time of his death at 1 p.m. CST. Dr. Carrico, in his initial examination, rioted two external wounds one in the neck and another in hii head.

In the head wound, he saw shredded brain tissue. In view of the neck wound and diminished respiratory sounds in the right chest, Dr. Perry made an incision in Kennedy's wnd- All this was completed by Cushion your own chairs, stools, etc. A Wide Selection of Remnants in Assorted Sizes and Thickness. 12:50 p.m., CST, Jenkins said.

STAMPED 1 A limn PR. Read to Embroider 99u. You Save 32c Here! iiiii'i 1 1 111 pipe and tubes were inserted in t-il ilr ml his chest. Dr. M.

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Siiinii-ri-f 111 EACH PIECE PRICED AS chine. He attached a machine so Colorful Kennedy's heartbeat could be mi i iiaiis monitored mechanically. But only "brief evidence" of heart i iiliiiiiiiiiii f' ni activity was obtained. DECORATOR RUGS im.ij; mm Dr. Perry said fluids and blood KALMBACH-BURCKETT, 1SII LAUNDRY Smartly styled Accent for Any Room! Made, of Rayon and Acetate with Skid-Resistant Back.

Several Styles and Sizes, Some With Fringe. Lovely Dec orator Colors. Washable, tin ileum SEED POTATOES Certified Red LaSoda Save $1.21 On Each Rug 14-Indies Tall (1 Pack) IS Compare At Oj FRUIT TREES So Handy and Useful for Many Household Chores! Strong i t-1 er7 i PLUM PEACH ISSa IE HI Sturdy woven IS Bamboo. PLASTIC PiAP M. 4 to 5 Fett Bell of 4,0 Georgia 1 7 Feet Itll 1 SHOP EARLY FOR THESE VALUES! All Rod Burbank ft I S.

A i WITH VALANCE Attractive and Eye-Appealing at a Reasonabfe Price! Embossed Soft Uniined Plastic Drapes. Beautiful New Patterns. Assorted Colors. 36" 87" Panels 36" 10" Valance. A 21c Savings! Don't Miss These 98c VALUES mi AIM I mtmm assaei Haven Dixie Gem I EACH Jill all EACH 77 1 MiajMi.

iiiiiiV Beautiful Window Dress-Dps! Ts 7 Jilllf vssyy (o) inoiooj sks' PECAN TREES Stuart, Schley, Success 3 to 4 Feet 5 to 6 Feet $349 $4.95 mm i iim i- i- 1 11 iiimw I IIMHI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU in Mllll lllllll FRAMED I ury 1963 CLOSE-OUT 1.1 IIBII.HI lllllllllllf-ii No. 1 Two-Year-Old ROSE BUSHES PICTURES FLATTERING MODEL CAR KITS iji (Bush or Climber) Take Advantage of This Terrifio Sale! Selection WIND CHASERS 95 includesi Convertibles, Hard Tops, Fairlanes, 69 1111 Simulated oil paintings that look like "brushed" originals in beautiful natural colors. Assorted scenes subjects. T-Birds, Mercurys, Comets, Falcons, Valiants, EACH DOZ. a 4.

Illll Novas, and Many Others. Your Choice of Easy to-Assemble to Advanced Customizing Kits. (As-sortment Varies to Store.) Shop Early for Best Keeps Hair Neat! Assorted Novelty Trims on Nylon Net. A Wide Selection of Colors. PLANTS and SHRUBS III Selections! 1 98c VALUES IN 1 CONTAINERS 69c values cry 98c Boxwood Burford Holly Dwarf Cape Jasmine Gardenia Fortunia Pyracanthea (Red Berry) A 22c Savings! EACH EACH ONION PLANTS 25c Bunch 'ifenVWMft A MMt FERTILIZERS va 8-8-8 50-lb.

sack $1.50 12 convenient locations serve the shreveport area $1.49 to $1.98 VALUES mi Cotton Seed Meal, 5-lb. bag 50c 100-lb. sack $4.95 Bone Meal 5-lb. bag 85c 10-lb. bag $1.55 mill mil VYALUES BOSSIER CITY.

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3723 JEWELLA ROAD Wjtwood Shopping Cntr 261S SUNSET PLAZA 5umt Vjilog Shipping Cntr .11 IIS Sorry, No Mail Orders RETAIL STORE 2418 Southern Avenue Phone 4237133 1.1 IllHil ll.wi,ttbaiBiiis 4.

The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.