The Billings County Pioneer October 13 Page 4 (2024)

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October 13, 1960 The Billings County PioneerThe Billings County Pioneer October 13 Page 4 (1)

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October 13, 1960

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1960 rtiE BILLINGS COUNTY PIO EER. MEDORAo N. DALE. NORTH DAKOTA TOPO~KA Pill ~YISlON~IMTMI~IT OF TIII~ I.~RlOllI! IITATI ~ air~P-~P(~IIL~.PIIIt" M.%I'I'IXIIllllCll~i+ -."e-'. +o +: +o o.:o,+0.+ IN THE 5; FTER OF THE ESTATE OF GERTRUDL BUEILLER, Deceased, Notice Js ilereby given by Lhe und- Hjal~mer Nygaard, Rept~blican I ersigned. Abaer B. Larson. adzmn- I zs~rator c. +. a. of the estate ,~f Gert- candidate for Congress, has eut- de t SALE OF REAL ESTATE rude Bueh.le~ lateof the City oflined 7-point farm a +program NOTICE ISI HEREBY GIVEN Alma in th: county of Buffalo and ~tate of Wisconsin deceased, to the signed to ~aelp the small farmer, that under authority of an order creditors oi. and all persons hay- North Dakota farmers, particu- of sale granted by the Judge of ing claims against the estate of said laity, w~d benefit from the the County Court in and for thedeceased, to exhibit them with the + necessary vouchers, within program. The 7 ,points are: County Qf Biflings and State o~months after the fir~ lmlblication ofm + t ~ ~ ~l wl," n"TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS COVERING most of North Dakota are now available from Nygaar~cl has a sensil)le, rea- Ninety-nine (99) West, Billings ABNER B. L~AtSON,the State Water Conservation Commission in Bismarck. Interested persons should listic approae~t to the farm pro- rue administrator c.'c.a+ of County, North Dakota. f the estate o~ said Gert-write to the SWCC and enclose 75c for each q uadrangle ordered. Latest additions, blem. Vote for action, not prom-[ The sale w*fl,l 'be made on or F rude 'Buehler, Deoeased. i~st publication on the 13th day ofmot ahown above, are: Lehigh, Stark County, Southwest Fargo and Norman, C ass ises. Vote Republican ~November after the 1st day of Noven~ber, October. A. D. l~0. 8th by support'm,g ,Hjalmer Ny- 1960. Higgins & Murphy Bismarck, North E~akota County, and Sperati Point, Lone Butte, Stocke Butte and Tepee Buttes, Mc- gaavd and Don Short for Con-[ bids must be inwriting Attorn.eys for AdministratorKel e County. These topographic maps are produced by the SWCC in cooperation gross. 'and may be filed with the o ica, (oct. 13-20-2~)wRh the U.S. Geological Survey, Topographic Division, on a 50-50 matching tuna Political advertising sponsored of the county Judge, or delivered ~ basis. They are printed in six colors, and paid ~for ~by the N. D. Repub- to hhe undersigned, George Kad- NOTZCE HEREBY GIVEN TO Idcan Party, Jack Swenson, Exec- utive ,Director.VOTEANDK EIO H A N E, RILUNGS COUNTY,NORTH DAKOTA 1. Adjust present acreages so ~ ~- -%his notice lu the Judge of tl~ l~orm ~om, ua~ea me ~m c*ay Count ~ur- -; the small, farmers get smaller O"--U Y ~'o t ox ~sunngs ~ounty, z 2, .gus~, ~,~ me unaers~nea N~rth Dakota, at his oJh~l~e in thecuts. t as the administrator of the es-* Billings County, North Da'koCa. Court 2. every commercial wheat ta,-^ f ------ ~ ~t ~ ~ .~ t House, in the Village of ~leclora infarmer shot~Id have at least I00 t= ~ .~t~n~,~ ut~a~, Billings County, North D&l~ta. will se1~ at private sale to ~he You a~ hereby fur~h, er" notified acres o~ wheat except the pros- hi,~.+ ;n.~,~ Ae ,t, ~.~,that H'an. A.lice L. Lebo Judge of e~tdy exempt 15-acre southern s ~+,z~. ~u~ ~.a~, ~ ~ -County Court within~ and ~or- the one-thwd down and the balance county of Billings and State of ~orth farmers. 1 . +t. ~---: :- *u ~ Dakota has ~ed the 24th day of 3. 2-price system for wheat. [a " . a t~ry, ~. ~ ,~, at The hour of nnual pay~nerlts WlWl ll~te~est1%en o'clock in the forenoon of said 4. priice recognition for h~h at the rate of 6% per anmtm, day at the Court Rooms ~,J said quality ~mrd spring w~eat " L " [ ~ Court in the said Court House in the pay.a me a.n+nuauy, s.uoject Io me. Village .of ~,edor~ in ~ERI!i~ County, 5. more ~beral d0an program cor~flrmatz0n of ~hm Court, the ,=North Da. ko{a, as 'thcb thee arid place for gr~LR storage so farmers will fol~lowin~ de.~-rib~ r~al ~t~to mr. near.rag and+ adjus~in4 all e~ make the i~rfit from storage: . -- agamsz me estate ,Of the said .Crert- to-wit: rude Buehier deceased, which l~ave rather than giant ,te~ni/lals. One-half { ~ ) interest in corn- ~ been duly and regularly pDesented as 6. mz)re ~unds for agricultural ~. ~" . ~. . nereinbefore provided; and all per-research. I man oz me t~ouenwes~ wuar~er sons. irtterested in .said eetate are {SW~) of Section 'Fourteen (14) c~r~ai~mred, to show :.e~ why the 7. larger a~lotment for sugarHI tms s~oula noz De anowea.,beet ~growerS, -rowns~tp ~ne H~n~lrea For-t Dated the 43th d~y of October. A+ ty-two (142) Nort~ of Rar~ge D. 1960.B'I ,lmgs County PioneerA Continuation"THE BADLANDS COWBOY" F~tablished in I~ ISrmas, perso.nally. ALL the land owners in the County of Billings, State of North DakOta as Dated this 30th day of Septem- follows: ber, 1960. l Pursuant to Chapter 50 of t~#e 1955 George Kadrmas t sessi'on Laws of the State of North Dakota, "It shall be the duty of the Administrator of the Es- land ~>wners owning land adjoining regularly traveled county and town- late of Anna Anheluk, De- ship highways to cut and destroy all ceased, w~ds and grasses along sue2~ regu- (Oct. 6-13 ) larly traveled highways adj+oining their lands, including weeds and grass- es growing within the pt~blic right NOTICE OF LEASING o~ way bordering such highways and 11 STATE AND SCHOOL LANDS their lands and State School Lands in Bill-+atone not lat ~r thanthe JulyCUttingl0thShallof each beings County that are unloosed~and those upon which the leases ex- year.;~pire with the year 1960 will l~e of- That if any land owner or his tenantfails to eut the weeds and feted for rent at a public leasing grasses along such highways betweert sale" to be held in fhe Court House the 10th day cf Oct 19~) and theALICE L. LEBO, l~am~glng EditorWALTER R. BRA'I~rON Editor - Publlsh'er~ubscription: $1.50 per year in advance at Medora, North Dakota. in said 22rid day of" Oct 1960 unless special~tered in the Post Office at Medor~ county, on the 24th day of October, permission is granted, the townshipBillings County, North Dakota, Feb- 1960. beginning at 2:00 P. AI. o'clock, supervisors or the county board shallcuary 15, 1934, as second class matte* All such lands will be leased to the cause the same to be cut and ut~onunder the Act of March 3, I~/9. highest b~dder for a term o! three such, present a certificate, of the to five years. The first year's tent, expenses incurred in such cutting toOfficial Newspaper of the County o~ plus the legal leasing fee. must be the county audhtor and all suchBillings, State of No*th Dakota, sna paid Jn full on ~he day of lhe sate. charges be charged against the landprinted at Beach. North Dakota. A list o~ such lands to be offered of the landowner and shall become~~]] will be on file x iti~ tee 'i're st,re~ a par~ of the taxes to be levied of saidcounty for public i;~speelhm againstsuch land ~ir the ensuing not lessthan two weeks before the year. The amount shall not exceed Writ. W. Eichhorst day of the leasing sale. the sum ,of $15+00 per running mile The Board +f University and School BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF Lands reserves the rightte rejectCOUNTY CONLMISSIO~ OF ~J~L- Attorney any and all bids, INGS COUNTY. M~. NORTII Nith otflces in Dated a~ Bismarck, North L)akota, DAKOTA. E L F I E L D this 21st day of September. 1960. Daniel Osadehuk SATURDAYS AN2X)N J'. SCHM[DT County Auditor. Land Commissioner (Oct. 13-20l MONDAYS WEDNESDATS (Oct. 6q3-2o)o~-tho~sands of or, thor items at a~action o~ ~eir original co~.Many items 'brand new. For list -- and -- SUMMONS FI/IDAYS OOUNTY OF BILLINGS M E D O B A IN DISTRICT COURT SIXTH JU+DICIAL DISTRICT i I GOVERNMENT vs. Marietta .Ward and Alonzo Ward, heirs at l'aw of Harry : SURPLUS Sa~L~S - W. Ward, deceased, and all NOW anyone can buy DIRECT SAVE MONEY ON rough and persons known and unknown ~ehether as heirs, devisees.~4r~ U',~ GOVE~'NWIE~T SUR fin, ished lumber and pressureegetees or personal repre-[PLU~ IIEPO2~, by m~52 for your- +~reated posts and poles--al~o senta.tives of Harry W.Ward, Deceased, and to all[sel~or -car ~esale. Cameras, bin low priced wind, break and shed other perscm.s unknown claim-[oc~trs, caps, jeeps, trucks, boats, lumber. J. U. I)ickson Saw-'ing any estate or interest in,|~e, m~ice madhines and mil,ls, .~ mile south of Sturgis, or lien or encumbrance ~pon~he property described in[equipment, Ceres, tools a~d tens- S.D. * 4-3tc the complaint. Defendants EASY MONEY -- Fe:~:omen n?, T THE STATEABovEOF NNORTHAM.ED DAKOTA investmen't or n~,ce~s- A~HE DEFEND-of h~xlreds o~ U. S. GovernmentSurplus Depots, located in every : d~t~md overseas with pam- Gover~newt Can ShipI)ireot To You," plus procedures.+HOW J ~ ~ ~ how ~ get sz00 to ~ES IN~OR~IATIONP. O. Box No. 1818, D C. 2-52tcRadio ServicePhone 2-43~BEACh, NO. DAK. Emerson & Motorola Radios and 'IV We back our sets with repair service. BEN HUR FROZEN FOOD CHESTSEASY SPIN-DRIER WASHERSFishing SuppliesRecord PlayersRecords. ary--Han&l'ing Xmas orders--'You are hereby summoned and re-quired to appear and defend againstReals iqk. P. O. Box 956. Indian- the complaint in this action, whichapo,lis, Ind.) they don't ride !18-3tc complaint is filed with the clerk of the District Court in and for Bill- ings County, North Dakota. by serv- ing upon the undersigned an answer or other proper response within twenty (20) days after the service of this summons upon you, exehmive of the day of service. If you fail GO so. judgment ~y default will taken against y~u for the relief de- manded in the eomplalnt. Dated this 10~h day of October 1960. " + William W. Eichhorst A~torney for the Plaintiff Medora. North Dakota, TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFE ND ~A~TS : You will please take notice that the summons, complaint and notice of no Personal elaixa have been filed in the office Of t2te Clerk-~ ~he Distric~ C'o~rt, Billings County, North Dakota; that this action con- sists of and is brough for the pur- pose of quieting tittle in the plaintiffs, and in exoluding the defendants from all interests z)r properties in the fol- lowing described real estate, to-4vtt: North Half of the Northeast Quarter (N~*~N;EE0 of Section Eight '(8) in Tox~nship One Hundred Forty-Four (1 44) North of Range Niviety-nlne (99) Wes,t, Billings County, Nm-'~lff~- kota. William W. Ei~t Attorney for th~ Plaintiff. Medo~va. Noa~h Dakota. (Oct. 13-20-27) They're new! They're wonder-fully comfortablel They're thefirst men's shorts tailored on theslim, trim lines of swim trunks!Allen-A m~m are cut freer thanbriefs to give snug support with-out binding or chafing . . . cutbriefer than boxers to permit freeleg movement without riding up.In soft-spun cotton knit with apatented Nob, It@ waistband oflive rubber that breathes withyou. Try a pair. They look good.They feel good. They don't ride! .50 each box of six $8.75Allen-A talkers IW )ONL--,~ " @~t'gm.A ; el~)sFOR SALZ -- Posis and pol~, treated and untreated. Un- treated ~ ea~ah. We are located near 3 saw mil~. Contact Mel- roy *Hang, Camp Crook, S. D. We ~Iso fill special orders. 20-~tpWork safely---live longer: care.lessness can kill youIO++* s~+t oevmo,~. Vote againstrepeal of safety lowsYour Support $'ill .Deeply Appreciated ,Pal. Adv. ordered and paid for by Brian Keohane) This s70.O0 Executive Chair Free with the purchase of Cole's steel deskTo introduce our new line of desks, this brand new $70.00 Executivechair is offered to you absolutely free. Satisfaction of both chair anddesk is guaranteed or you may return them at no cost to you. THE "EXECUTIVE" DESK THE "EXECUTIVE" CHAIRThe desk has everything you ever dreamed Colorful and impressive, the last word" Inof. S ma~ In oppeorance~ beautifully styled, beouly. Scientifically designed for the ut-comfortable lo,wodt of. thed by Amerlca's most In comforl. Five way adjustment ellm-largest Indul~ conclmL Heavy steel, ~ i .~[4+l, offi~ fatigue and corrects ImproperItnoleumlop+alumhltlmlMIm.Au~omotk:lock. l~S~e. Qne plece sleel bole equippedSize 60" wide, 30.+ deep. Finbhed In Or, y, with klck plates, aldl nylon bonflngs, tuxurl-Mist Gree~ O~ ~ or Oesert Son& ously upholstered wlth exclusive Celeste fob.No. +117 ric in Green, Gray, Wine, Orange or Ton.I 41mm $172+50 $oo ze 19 " x 17 "+ +f:', .::No. +118 <% ~kOt may bo purchased leparlll~It ~ draw.rib 111kl01 ~rewln~. ~ 72.50 ++ = : ~ ~v, vo $70.00.;, ) ~a C m~ p~la ~' by the N. D~ Rs. R~d o+~II+ All0n ~ Blsmercd~.Drelhil~t,)L'"I

The Billings County Pioneer October 13 Page 4 (2024)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.