View Baby Girl Names: Q at Baby Names Pedia (2024)

Q- names for baby girls, with 405 entries. Q- names are somewhat popular as baby girl names. The names' popularity has been growing since the 1990s. Their usage peaked modestly in 2018 with 0.197% of baby girls being given Q- names. Within the top 1000 baby names then, there were 2 Q- names. In 2018, among all Q- names, Quinn (English and Irish) was the most widely used, with a ranking of #84 and a usage of 0.1825%.

';let aiName = '

View Baby Girl Names: Q at Baby Names Pedia (1)

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View Baby Girl Names: Q at Baby Names Pedia (2024)


What is a rare baby girl name? ›

For example, while the name Annalise appears at no. 417 in the top 1,000 girl names for 2022, it still feels relatively uncommon; and the attractive name Larisa has yet to enter the top 1,000 list, making it a rare gem. You'll even discover the once-rare girls' name Aurora on this list.

What is a name starting with Q? ›

Baby names beginning with Q
  • Qabil.
  • Qiana.
  • Qino.
  • Qiturah.
  • Quadim.
  • Quadir.
  • Quaid.
  • Qued.

What is a lucky girl baby name? ›

Lakshmi: The lovely Sanskrit name translates to “a lucky omen.” Penny: Such sweet symbolism to give your little girl, naming her after a lucky penny. Sadiya: Meaning “lucky, fortunate” in Arabic, it's a warm and flowing name for your princess.

What is the world's prettiest name for a girl? ›

Most Beautiful Baby Girl Names Worldwide
  • Aurelia - Originating from Latin, meaning "golden," this name depicts luxury and radiance.
  • Isabella - In Hebrew, this name means "God's promise" and reflects elegance and spirituality.
  • Catalina - A Spanish name meaning "pure" and "sincere," creating an impression of innocence.
Aug 29, 2023

What is the #1 female name? ›

If you're searching for baby name inspiration, look no further: The Social Security Administration has released its latest list of most popular baby names, including the 1,000 most popular baby girl names. According to the SSA, favorites like Olivia, Emma and Charlotte reigned supreme in 2023.

What are the top 50 unique girl names with meaning? ›

Popular unusual and unique girl names we love
  • Nola - Irish Gaelic origin, Latin meaning 'white shoulder'. ...
  • Axelle - Greek, meaning 'father of peace'. ...
  • Nora - Shortened form of Eleanor, meaning 'light', used in its own right. ...
  • Rae - Shortened form of Rachel, meaning 'ewe'. ...
  • Sloane - Irish Gaelic, meaning 'man of arms'.
May 14, 2024

What name means God's daughter? ›

Baby Girl Name: Bithiah. Meaning: Daughter of God. Origin: Hebrew.

What name starts with Q in the Bible? ›

  • Quartus.
  • Queen of Sheba.
  • Quirinius.

What number is Q short for? ›

Large number abbreviations
t or TTrillion10^12
q or QaQuadrillion10^15
27 more rows

What world name starts with Q? ›

There is only one country that starts with the letter “Q”: Qatar.

What is a miracle baby name girl? ›

Girl names that mean miracle
  • Alazne. Alazne means "miracle" in Basque. ...
  • Ayah. ...
  • Desiree. ...
  • Dorothea. ...
  • Jesse. ...
  • Karishma. ...
  • Marvella. ...
  • Mirielle.

What is a blessed girl's name? ›

Alya/Aaliyah - Greek/Hebrew/Slavic meaning “blessed.” Anna - Hebrew name meaning “grace” or “blessing.” Astrid - modernized version of Scandinavian “Assfrior” meaning “blessed.” Aurora - Latin name meaning “one who is blessed” or “dawn.”

What is the rarest baby girl name? ›

100 Rare Girl Names
  • Larkin.
  • Elvera.
  • Pearl.
  • Rain.
  • Oona.
  • Calli.
  • Serafina.
  • Amalia.
May 1, 2024

What is the #1 girl name? ›

Top baby names of 2024
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What is a girl's name beginning with Q? ›

Top Baby Girl Names That Start With Q
16 more rows
Mar 6, 2023

What is the most beautiful sounding girl name? ›

THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SOUNDING NAMES IN THE US, ACCORDING TO LINGUISTICS. Over in the US, the most popular baby names differ slightly, however Sophia remains a firm favourite (and the most beautiful sounding) across the Atlantic. Derived in Greece in the fourth century the name means 'wisdom'.

What is the most cool girl name? ›

What are creative cool girl names?
  • Mia: Beloved, darling.
  • Luna: Moon.
  • Cora: Just, honest, virtuous.
  • Evelyn: Wished-for child.
  • Yolanda: Violet.
  • Laina: Pathway.
  • Eva: Life, living one.
  • Phoebe: Bright.
Apr 3, 2024


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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Views: 6423

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.